Free Shipping on All Domestic Orders!


  • What happens when I place an order?

    • If you ordered a coaster (or set of coasters), after completing your order we will mail you a pre-addressed padded envelope and some tissue paper. Once you receive these, please individually wrap your medals to protect them during shipping. Place them in the padded envelope and mail them using the carrier of your choice.
    • Once your coasters are completed, we will securely place them in a shipping box and send them to you. Domestic shipping is free.
    • How long will it take to receive my coasters?

      • In addition to actually handcrafting your coasters, please keep in mind that things are in the mail three times:
        • 1. - we send you the supplies to mail your medals to us,
        • 2. - you send the medals to us, and
        • 3. - we send the completed coasters to you.
      • The whole process from clicking the "Complete Order" button to putting a drink on your new coasters takes 3-4 weeks. 
    • Should I remove the lanyard before sending my medal?

      • Yes. It is preferred that you remove any attachments to your medal, including lanyards, clips, etc. If a medal arrives with the lanyard still attached, it will be removed and returned to you with your completed coasters.